Friday, June 19, 2015

Playing Dress Up in the City

My husband and I decided to spend two days in Little Rock to celebrate our fourth anniversary. Little Rock is the largest town in Arkansas, and we were pretty excited to be headed to the "big city".We stayed at a pretty nice hotel in the middle of the city's River Market District, and it was pretty awesome. 

We decided to start walking and simply follow our noses to find the best place to have our anniversary dinner. Of course, I had to dress up a little for the occasion.

Now, to a small-town girl like me, Little Rock is a vibrant, riveting metropolis. Why they've got some of the best restaurants in the state, along with plenty of fun bars, museums, and cool hang-outs, all within a few blocks from one of the most beautiful city parks I've personally ever seen. Seriously, the Riverfront Park is awesome. 

Needless to say, I'm in love with the place. 

I must say though, that if we ever were to move there I would have to step my fashion game up. Many of the local ladies there don't play around. I saw some of the trendiest clothes and some of the highest heels sharing the sidewalks with me. It was heaven, basically. 

We ended up eating our anniversary dinner at a place called the Flying Fish, far from fancy, but some of the best catfish I've ever had. I felt slightly overdressed for this particular restaurant, but I couldn't be happier with our choice.

I felt pretty cute in my floral dress and purple flats. It seemed a little strange to me to wear a purple necklace and purple shoes with a dress that doesn't have any purple on it. I have this annoying nagging voice in the back of my head telling me things need to "match". Whatever. Sometimes I have to tell that voice to shut the hell up.

I felt very much at home walking those fun-filled streets and seeing the sights while wearing this colorful outfit. We had a wonderful anniversary and I can't wait until our next visit to our state capital.

Dress- thrifted
Flats- thrifted
Statement necklace- Wal-Mart
Bolero- Wal-Mart

                                                          Thanks for reading!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Fat Girl; Skinny Jeans

So a few weeks ago I  got my first pair of skinny jeans. I had been wanting a pair for a long while (I kind of have this thing where if I feel like other people would tell me I shouldn't wear something, I just have to go out and try it) but I didn't want to spend too much money in case I ended up not caring for them that much.

I actually tried on skinny jeans several times at quite a few places before I could find a pair that I could work with. See, I have this problem where I have a larger belly and very little fat on my legs. If I find a pair of skinny jeans that fit my waist, they looked like jogging pants on my legs.

Now, I had toyed around with the idea of just buying a pair that fit in the waist and then taking in the legs. I found a couple of tutorials on Pinterest that looked pretty easy, like this one, and I figured it was worth a try.

So I finally found a pair at Old Navy in the Diva cut that didn't have so much excess fabric flapping around my poor ankles, and I took in the legs so they'd fit. 

Now I'm no professional, but I think they look alright. Also I think I look alright in skinnies. I've heard it said many times that "You have to be really skinny to look good in skinny jeans", but that just isn't true. I'm fat, I'm totally not the "right" shape for them, but I still rock them. 

Why? Why do I do this when I'm sure there are people who see me in them and think What is she thinking wearing those? Doesn't she know she's fat? 

Because I like the way I look in them. Because I like wearing trendy stuff like any other woman. Because frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Jeans- Old Navy
Top- Ava and Viv from Target
Heels- thrifted 

                                                        Thanks for reading!