Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Just Being

Well Autumn is finally here. I mean, I've actually gotten to wear a sweater a couple of times without having a heat stroke! Yay!

 In honor of finally having just the slightest weather change, today's post is another creation I put together out of things I already had.

It may be hard to tell, but I do have on some really cute fringe boots. They blend in with the dead grass pretty well, but they are there!

Again with this suede vest, I couldn't decide whether I liked it better zipped or unzipped. I think it's pretty cute either way.

This shirt was actually given to me from someone. It's a little hard to see in these pics, but there is some pretty lace detail on the sleeves.

Of course, often when I am wearing my fringe boots I like to accessorize with my matching fringe bag. 

There was a time when I wouldn't have worn such an outfit, afraid of wearing anything "unflattering". I suppose it does have a bit of an ice-cream cone effect, but so what? I feel cute wearing this and that's all that matters. Don't spend your life chasing "flattering".

I really don't mean to look so sad in these pictures! You know how some people have resting bitch face? Well I have resting sad face. I promise I was pretty happy that day!

Here! Here is a little smile. I was so happy that day because I was wearing a color that is supposed to be unflattering on me, and while wearing jeans that are supposed to be unflattering. And I felt fabulous while wearing them. Once I let my mind loose of all the silly notions society put there I felt so relieved. I could just be.

Shirt- hand-me-down
Suede vest- thrifted
Jeans- Old Navy
Boots- local store Charmed
Bag- Factory Connection

Thanks for reading!

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