Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Blogiversary Post: The Year's Top Five Outfits

It has been one whole year since I started Prettiful Style, and what a fun year it has been! Blogging is a whole lot more work than I anticipated, and I didn't do as many posts as I'd envisioned for the year, but I'm pretty proud of the ones I got done. Hopefully I've shown at least a few others that it is possible to recover from all the negative stigma surrounding being a fat or differently-shaped person. You can learn to accept and love yourself just as you are!

 I've decided to celebrate my blog's first anniversary by taking a look back at the year's five most-popular posts. I hope you've enjoyed reading about them as much as I've enjoyed creating them!

# 5  Peplum Perfection

Rocking a peplum top for the first time ever, this post shows off the cute outfit I put together. This outfit consists of the top from J.C. Penny paired with a thrifted tube skirt. Black accessories complete the look.

#4  Mad About My Maxi

Maxi dresses have been wildly popular for a few years and seem to be getting more popular all the time. This post features the first maxi I've ever owned. I love this thing!

#3  Embracing Chevron Madness

Chevron is everywhere and has been for a few years now. This post features a cute sheath dress in the popular pattern. I especially liked the way the dress fit and made me feel!

#2  Plaid Leggings

Although this post has a pretty unimaginative name, it proved to be one of my most popular posts. One thing I know for sure, people love plaid, and people love leggings. I'll be rocking looks similar to this one all fall and winter!

#1  Loving Colors and Myself

The number one, most viewed post is the very same that I posted one year ago today. I still love this outfit; it's hard to beat that color combo! I remember getting a little emotional as I wrote it. This post will always be special to me since it was the very beginning of my self-love journey. 

I am so grateful for every read, comment, like, and share. To all the loyal readers, few though you may be, I am so glad that you care what I have to say. 
It has been my goal to help others realize that your shape and size doesn't matter; you deserve to wear things you like and feel good about yourself. I know this blog has improved my self-confidence in leaps and bounds, and if it has helped even one other person feel better about themselves, then I consider my goal reached.
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and follows me on social media!

As always, thanks for reading.

         Love, Ashley