Well Autumn is finally here. I mean, I've actually gotten to wear a sweater a couple of times without having a heat stroke! Yay!
In honor of finally having just the slightest weather change, today's post is another creation I put together out of things I already had.
It may be hard to tell, but I do have on some really cute fringe boots. They blend in with the dead grass pretty well, but they are there!
Again with this suede vest, I couldn't decide whether I liked it better zipped or unzipped. I think it's pretty cute either way.
This shirt was actually given to me from someone. It's a little hard to see in these pics, but there is some pretty lace detail on the sleeves.
Of course, often when I am wearing my fringe boots I like to accessorize with my matching fringe bag.
There was a time when I wouldn't have worn such an outfit, afraid of wearing anything "unflattering". I suppose it does have a bit of an ice-cream cone effect, but so what? I feel cute wearing this and that's all that matters. Don't spend your life chasing "flattering".
I really don't mean to look so sad in these pictures! You know how some people have resting bitch face? Well I have resting sad face. I promise I was pretty happy that day!
Here! Here is a little smile. I was so happy that day because I was wearing a color that is supposed to be unflattering on me, and while wearing jeans that are supposed to be unflattering. And I felt fabulous while wearing them. Once I let my mind loose of all the silly notions society put there I felt so relieved. I could just be.
Shirt- hand-me-down
Suede vest- thrifted
Jeans- Old Navy
Boots- local store Charmed
Bag- Factory Connection
Thanks for reading!
It has been one whole year since I started Prettiful Style, and what a fun year it has been! Blogging is a whole lot more work than I anticipated, and I didn't do as many posts as I'd envisioned for the year, but I'm pretty proud of the ones I got done. Hopefully I've shown at least a few others that it is possible to recover from all the negative stigma surrounding being a fat or differently-shaped person. You can learn to accept and love yourself just as you are!
I've decided to celebrate my blog's first anniversary by taking a look back at the year's five most-popular posts. I hope you've enjoyed reading about them as much as I've enjoyed creating them!
# 5 Peplum Perfection
Rocking a peplum top for the first time ever, this post shows off the cute outfit I put together. This outfit consists of the top from J.C. Penny paired with a thrifted tube skirt. Black accessories complete the look.
#4 Mad About My Maxi
Maxi dresses have been wildly popular for a few years and seem to be getting more popular all the time. This post features the first maxi I've ever owned. I love this thing!
#3 Embracing Chevron Madness
Chevron is everywhere and has been for a few years now. This post features a cute sheath dress in the popular pattern. I especially liked the way the dress fit and made me feel!
#2 Plaid Leggings
Although this post has a pretty unimaginative name, it proved to be one of my most popular posts. One thing I know for sure, people love plaid, and people love leggings. I'll be rocking looks similar to this one all fall and winter!
#1 Loving Colors and Myself
The number one, most viewed post is the very same that I posted one year ago today. I still love this outfit; it's hard to beat that color combo! I remember getting a little emotional as I wrote it. This post will always be special to me since it was the very beginning of my self-love journey.
I am so grateful for every read, comment, like, and share. To all the loyal readers, few though you may be, I am so glad that you care what I have to say.
It has been my goal to help others realize that your shape and size doesn't matter; you deserve to wear things you like and feel good about yourself. I know this blog has improved my self-confidence in leaps and bounds, and if it has helped even one other person feel better about themselves, then I consider my goal reached.
Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and follows me on social media!
As always, thanks for reading.
Love, Ashley
Well there's a chill in the air at last, however slight it may be. Not exactly sweater-weather yet, but I believe it may be just around the corner.
I've been continuing to shop my closet for new fall outfits since my Autumn clothing budget is still approximately zilch.
I'm actually pretty proud of this one. How I managed to go all summer without wearing this amazing dress I do not know. All I do know is that it looks pretty cute when paired with this awesome suede vest.
Suede is the biggest trend for fall 2015 so I'm told. I think it's true, since I see be-fringed suede vests in every clothing store I enter. I love it when I pick something up at a thrift store for next to nothing, and it turns out to be a hot trend. It just tickles me pink.
Actually, this whole ensemble came from the same thrift store. The little brown and tan flats were $2. This beautiful lace dress was $5. I spent a whopping $4 for the suede vest. I was honestly shocked when I tried it on and it fit me.
I just couldn't decide how I liked it best; zipped or unzipped. I just love that either way the vest gives the outfit some structure. It really was a hidden treasure.
And how about that lace? I feel so pretty and feminine in this dress. I know it would look amazing with some nude heels and a string of pearls, but I love that I was able to make a casual outfit out of it.
My personal style is ever-evolving, and I'd like to think it is maturing a little as well. A couple of years ago I never would have thought to put such different pieces together.
I'm discovering that pairing different kinds of pieces, fabrics, and textures really adds some interest to an outfit. I can't wait to try more combinations!
Coming up with new outfits from things I already have has been challenging so far, but so much fun! Nothing better than getting excited over a piece of clothing that you had forgotten you even had.
Remember to stay fabulous! If I can do it, so can you.
Thanks for reading!